Box of plant seeds for basketry and cordage

Utile & écologique

The Woven Basketry Seed Kit is a kit of plant seeds used to make woven basketry, cordage, twine, and ties. A new generation creative leisure designed to learn and transmit craftsmanship. A veritable box of knowledge, you will learn how to sow, maintain, harvest and transform your fiber plants.

Selected plants can be used to create a whole range of useful objects. Ideal for your creative hobbies, bag, braided rug, decorations etc, the useful knowledge guide will accompany you to learn how to extract plant fibers for braided basketry (guide included).

Guide to cultivation and transformation of plants for basketry and cordage

knowledge guide

Braided basketry

  • Sowing
  • Cultivation and maintenance
  • Transformation of plants for woven basketry
  • Seed conservation

Create a Useful Garden

Create your utilitarian garden with the "braided basketry" artisanal seed box. Our fiber plant seed kit allows for the creation of a creative and playful garden designed to learn and pass on craftsmanship.

Esparto seeds for the manufacture of woven basketry
Seeds of Sparta
"Sparta lined ORGANIC"
Hemp seeds cultivated for the manufacture of braided basketry rope
Hemp seeds
"Cannabis sativa ORGANIC"
Nettle seeds for the manufacture of rope and woven basketry
Twine and ties
Nettle seeds
"Urtica dioica ORGANIC"

Sowing your creative activities

Let your creativity run wild with the Basketry Fiber Plant Seed Kit. Fancy a Hat, Bag, Carpet, Flowerpot, Decoration.


Buy seed box for basketwork and cordage